Sharing Our Voices: Thoughts from the Rooted Carrot Book Club  

We need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible.     – Alan Rickman

During these difficult times, spending quiet times exploring the written word has had additional meaning for many of us.  Two years ago, a diverse group of individuals came together to explore experiences found in books and share occurrences from our own lives.  Throughout this period of time, we have added new voices and shared goodbyes with several of our members.  But through it all, the voices we have heard have opened new conversations and created special memories.Continue reading

Kitchen Fun on Facebook Live

The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market is honored that health advocate and incredible Co-op supporter, Luann Alemao-Johnson, has offered to host cooking classes from her own kitchen!  Did you catch her program on spices in December?  Beginning this month Luann will be live at 3:30pm every 3rd Thursday of every month! But remember, you can always watch these programs later on the Co-op’s Facebook Page or the Co-op’s YouTube channel Rooted Carrot Co-op Market on YouTube.Continue reading

January Message from the Board

Happy New Year! Rooted Carrot Co-op Market (RCCM) has a lot to look forward to in 2021! This is an exciting time to be a member-owner and we need everyone’s help to keep us moving forward towards our goal of opening in 2022. How can you help? Continue reading

Joining the Co-op is STILL as easy as PIE! 

You have through January 2021 to take advantage of this SWEET deal!

The Rooted Carrot Co-op is extending the opportunity for new fully invested member-owners to receive a homemade pie along with all the other membership benefits through January!   Not only will new members enjoy all the current benefits of membership but they will also receive a Gift Certificate for a delicious pie made by The Pie Lady!  You heard that right!  All new members will have 1 entire year to redeem their Gift Certificate and order the fruit pie of their choice!  The Pie Lady, aka Laura Bru, is not only a proud member of the Co-op she is also a Business Partner.  The Pie Lade offers each of our current members $1 off every pie you purchase from her business!

For every 5 new members a piece of the “PIE CHART” on our webpage will disappear! Let’s see the entire pie vanish!


  1. New, paid in full membership through January 2021
  2. Must like pie!

Will you help devour the pie?   Join Today – Rooted Carrot Co-op

Board Member Spotlight: Tom Wickersham

Tom Wickersham has been a Board Member since incorporation in the fall of 2014 and Board President until last August. He also served as President during the years when we had a steering committee getting things set for incorporation, 2012-2014. He is now the Co-Chair of the Capital Campaign Committee. Continue reading

What does “The Rooted Carrot” mean? 

It has been many months since the new name of the co-op was announced. As the vision of the store comes closer and closer to reality, we find ourselves reflecting on why this name stood out and how we are using the imagery of the rooted carrot to remain true to its meaning. Continue reading

The Rooted Carrot Co-op Needs You! 

We may not be having in-person events right now, but there is still much to do to make the store a reality. Just a few hours a week can make a huge impact on our goal. Visit our volunteer page to see some specific opportunities that might interest you.

Don’t know how you want to help? That’s okay, too!  Fill out the volunteer form and we’ll work with you to figure out where you would have the most fun and feel like you are making the biggest impact. Our volunteer drive continues through December – make friends, make a difference, and make this store happen!  Let’s grow the co-op together – volunteer today!