Membership FAQ

FAQ after Special Membership Meeting

Why is the Board and Site Committee focusing on Cedar Falls for a location of the Rooted Carrot Co-op Market?

The Co-op invested in three detailed market studies. These experienced firms indicated that Cedar Falls is the best option for the long-term success of the Co-op. 


Has the Co-op worked with a realtor or economic development partner?

Yes, there is a realtor with 30+ years of experience volunteering time on the Site Committee.  Yes we have worked with several economic development partners. 


I have some ideas for sites, who can I send those to?

Yes, please send your ideas to the email. The Site Committee has done an extensive review of several sites in the Cedar Valley. The realtor on the Site Committee is continuously looking at new properties available.


When would the Co-op dissolve if the members-owners choose this option? 

The voting will end August 31, 2023. If this is the chosen path, the Rooted Carrot Co-op Board will release a plan for dissolution at the annual member-owner meeting on October 25th at 6:30 p.m. at the Cedar Falls Community Center. 


Why are we voting on this now?

Given the current timetable and challenges with finalizing a site, the Board feels that a formal advisory vote from member-owners to direct our future work is appropriate. 


Have you considered partnering with another Co-op?

The Co-op has discussed this possibility. The Board did not identify a partner that met the needs and vision of the Rooted Carrot Co-op.


Does our Co-op have paid staff?

Not at this time. We had a paid Outreach Coordinator from June 2016-March 2020. 


What expenses did we have on the 7th and Main Site?

We incurred minimal necessary expenses to engage a store planner for input on the feasibility of the site, which was owned by a developer. The vast majority of money spent pursuing this site were not incurred by the Co-op, but by the development company. All fees for architects, civil engineers, contractors, and demolition were paid by the development company.


Will I get my money back?

We will work with knowledgeable counsel to guide us in the dissolution of the Co-op, and the distribution of funds will be completed transparently, responsibly, and as required by law.