Board Update: A Sneak Peek Inside Rooted Carrot’s Site Team

What’s going on with the Co-op’s site, anyway? I’m sure many of you have this question and, although the wheels of progress move quietly sometimes, they are moving nonetheless! I’ll share all the details with you, but first I’d like to introduce you to the site team and give you an overview of the work that they do.Continue reading

August Board Update

We had a great time celebrating our volunteers in person at Washington Park! It was great to see everyone! Thank you to all the volunteers who have dedicated their time to the Co-op! Continue reading

Principle #5: Education, Training, and Information

Rooted Carrot Cooperative Market continues to gain support and grow in membership as we establish ourselves as a crucial component of Cedar Falls, Waterloo, and the surrounding communities. And as with all co-ops, we are governed by seven co-op principles that make us distinct from other businesses and organizations. In past Garlic Press issues, you have read about the first four of these principles: Open and Voluntary Membership, Democratic Member Control, Members’ Economic Participation, and Autonomy and Independence.Continue reading

July Board Update

The Board accepted Joy Thorson’s resignation from the Board effective July 1st. She will be greatly missed on the board with her years of experience with the Co-op. She has been a volunteer since 2015 and on the board for 4 ½ years and her passion for the Co-op is contagious! She wants to see a community-owned, healthy grocery store available in the Cedar Valley which will provide better food options and support local suppliers. She sees the Co-op as a perfect way to fulfill these needs and build even more community in Cedar Falls. You can still see Joy every month on Joyful Co-op Connections. Please read the Board Election article to see if you are interested in becoming a board member. We currently have two vacant positions. Continue reading

The Co-op Capital Campaign: Be the Bank!

Attention Rooted Carrot member-owners: Have you ever purchased a car? Bought a home? Took out a student loan? If so, then you know two things. First, that you couldn’t have done it without the bank loan. And second, well, it would be nice to be the bank some time, right? Well, now you have a chance to do so! Continue reading

Board Elections

Want to make a lasting impact in the Cedar Valley? Here’s your chance.

The way that a community develops, improves, and changes (or doesn’t) over time is affected by decisions made and actions taken by people in that community. Many of us go through our daily lives without ever really thinking about this – that, especially in a community of this size, we have the opportunity to influence the future shape and success of this place we call home. Continue reading

Principle #4: Autonomy and Independence

The Rooted Carrot is a start-up food co-op continually establishing and growing itself in membership and benefit to Cedar Falls, Waterloo, and the surrounding communities. And, like all cooperative businesses, we are governed by seven co-op principles that make us distinct from most other organizations. In previous editions of the Garlic Press, you read about the first, second, and third principles. Continue reading

June Message from the Board

It continues to be a busy time for the Co-op Board. We are actively working behind the scenes at our meetings and with our committee members to open the doors of the Rooted Carrot Co-op! Did you see the board picture on Facebook or Instagram of our first in-person board meeting in 14 months? Speaking of the board, are you interested in becoming a board member? Elections will take place again this fall and board packets will be available this summer. Continue reading