July Board Update

The Board accepted Joy Thorson’s resignation from the Board effective July 1st. She will be greatly missed on the board with her years of experience with the Co-op. She has been a volunteer since 2015 and on the board for 4 ½ years and her passion for the Co-op is contagious! She wants to see a community-owned, healthy grocery store available in the Cedar Valley which will provide better food options and support local suppliers. She sees the Co-op as a perfect way to fulfill these needs and build even more community in Cedar Falls. You can still see Joy every month on Joyful Co-op Connections. Please read the Board Election article to see if you are interested in becoming a board member. We currently have two vacant positions.

What is happening with the Co-op site? All parties (the Co-op Site Committee, the builders, and the city) are meeting regularly and negotiations and conversations are taking place for all points of difference. Every project put before the city has a thousand details and this one is no different. The Co-op provided over 20 examples of how cities throughout the country have assisted co-ops at the stage we are at, and the Co-op Board has asked the city to help. They are exploring how they can help. Our site team will continue to provide updates on Facebook and Instagram to keep members updated on progress.

What does the Co-op need right now? How can you help? We are trying to get 30 additional members this summer! Membership is at the core of everything we do right now! Tell your friends, family, and neighbors about the Co-op. The pandemic put an end to so many of the great events we were doing and, because of the pandemic, many of our volunteers have had to focus on other things. We need people to serve on our committees and help with things like communications, writing, web graphics, content development, events and socials, grant writing, and fundraising.  We truly have many needs right now and it’s an exciting time to be a volunteer because things are moving really fast! The more volunteers we have, the more we are able to move that needle forward toward the opening of the store!

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