Our Commitment to Local Farms and Community

As we welcome the opening of the Cedar Valley’s farmers market season and the eventual launch of The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market, we’re excited to share our vision for supporting local farms and strengthening our community through the availability of locally sourced vegetables, fruits, dairy, meat, poultry, grocery, wellness products, and more.

At The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market, we’re deeply committed to the idea of “rooting” ourselves within our local community and fostering connections with nearby farmers. We understand that our neighboring farms are not just suppliers, but integral partners in our journey. By supporting them, we aim to enrich the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and ensure that our future members have access to the freshest, highest quality ingredients possible.

While our nearest co-op may be 60 miles away at present, we’re determined to bridge this gap and bring the benefits of a cooperative market closer to home. We recognize that each co-op has its own set of standards, but one principle remains universal: a dedication to sourcing locally whenever feasible. By prioritizing local, regional, and statewide producers, we will ensure that our shelves are stocked with the freshest, most flavorful products available.Continue reading

April Member Meetup – Recycling Event

April’s member meetup was a Recycling Education Event at the Center for Energy and Environmental Education with a variety of activities, snacks, and learning opportunities! About 25 people came to learn how to be more effective recyclers and learn about the recycling system. 

John Foster, the director of Black Hawk County Solid Waste Commission gave a history of the landfill and recycling programs in the area and expertly fielded questions from the audience. John invited folks to reach out to him to schedule other education opportunities including touring the Black Hawk County landfill to see how they pack over 1,000 pounds of garbage into every square yard!

Green Iowa members also provided education on home composting and had a seed planting activity where recycled cans were used as the planting pots. Two attendees were lucky enough to go home with a new compost bin donated by Green Iowa! 

Let the membership committee know what topics or activities you would like to see for future member meetups! Contact Us

Message from the Board – May 2024

This month, the Board prioritized diligence in our decision-making processes by reviewing and learning how to utilize our Proforma tool to guide strategic choices. Our exploration of potential grocery store sites continues!  Your ongoing support is invaluable as we work towards our shared vision for The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market.

Besides utilizing financial data to make decisions, we are also driven by our core values. In alignment with our core value of sustainability, The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market recently hosted a successful recycling event to celebrate Earth Day. This initiative reflects our commitment to minimizing waste and promoting environmental stewardship within our community.

Mallory DeVries
Board Member

Aldrich Elementary Wellness Night

The Membership team attended the Aldrich Elementary School Wellness Night on Friday, April 26th. Kids who spun the wheel were given an exercise to do to earn a prize! Often, Rooty exercised along with them! While the kids were having fun with Rooty, we shared the story of Rooted Carrot Co-op with parents. Around 100 people, including some current member-owners, stopped by our table. It was great fun!

If you know of any wellness fairs (school, corporate, etc.) in the Cedar Valley that are looking for vendors, please let us know! A key component of our mission as a co-op is to enhance the health and well-being of our whole community. We welcome the opportunity to share this part of our story with others, and wellness fairs are a good fit for us! Contact Us

Wartburg Community Wellness Fair

On Saturday, April 27th, the Membership team spent the morning at Wartburg College for their Community Wellness Fair. Many people stopped by our table to learn more about the Rooted Carrot, and to pick up information. Marci and Lisa shared the story of the co-op with about 100 people, some who had past experience with co-op groceries and some who didn’t. It is always so encouraging when people ask engaging questions and share in the enthusiasm! 

Did you notice? Our mighty, committed volunteers represented our co-op at two events in two days! How will YOU share YOUR co-op story with others? Contact Us

Message from the Board – April 2024

One of our board members recently moved out of the area leaving a seat on the board open. After some targeted recruiting, an interested community member volunteered to fill the seat after attending a board meeting in February. The board is very excited to report that at the March meeting, the Board voted in favor of appointing Allie Hartz to the open seat. Welcome, Allie!  

Over the past month, the Board continued its exploration of potential sites for the grocery. Simultaneously, the Board is looking to create related value-added community experiences that are aligned with the ultimate goal of enhancing the health and well-being of the greater Cedar Valley. Through the work of the Membership Committee and the new Community Relations Committee, the Board has a full calendar of events and meetings that keep the co-op goal’s front and center.  Supporting the work ahead of securing a site, the Grant Committee submitted a proposal to assist with marketing and public relations efforts.

Committees are always looking for help! If you want to support the co-op but do not have time to volunteer to be on the Board, helping a committee is a great idea. There are many specific tasks that require a variety of different time commitments and skills. There is something for everyone! Would you be interested? Or know someone who is interested in any of these positions? If yes, please reach out to us at info@rootedcarrot.coop.

We look forward to connecting at our upcoming events! Keep an eye on our calendar here: Coming Events – Rooted Carrot Co-op 

Theresa Westbrock

Secretary, Operations Committee

How to Grow a Carrot

As spring dawns upon us and many of us eagerly plant seeds, hoping for a bountiful harvest, let us remember: gardening is hope. Just as a gardener tends to the soil, sows the seed, and patiently waits for a carrot to grow, so too are we nurturing our community and the seeds of our co-op market. In the world of gardening, patience is paramount. We face challenges—the rocky soil, the unpredictable weather—but we persist, knowing that our efforts will yield results in due time.

Like a carrot seed, our co-op vision has been planted. It takes time to take root and grow. We must embrace the imperfections of our journey, just as a gardener does with their garden. We are learning, adapting, and growing together, fostering sustainability and nourishing our collective spirit.

With each new member, we add nutrients to the soil of our vision. Together, we are cultivating not just a market, but a movement—a movement that celebrates local agriculture, fosters connections, and sustains us all.

As we tend to our metaphorical garden, let us remember the lessons of patience and perseverance that nature teaches us. Let us nurture our community like a gardener nurtures their crops, with care, dedication, and a belief in the power of growth.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, we will grow our community, just like we grow a carrot—slowly, steadily, and with unwavering determination.

Join us in spreading the seeds of our co-op market’s growth! Share our mission with friends, family, and neighbors, and invite them to become members of our vibrant community. Together, we will grow a carrot—and so much more.

Yours in growth,

Mallory DeVries

Board Member

The Rooted Carrot Co-Op Market


Recycling Event THIS MONTH!

Join us for an event focused on recycling and sustainability!

When: Saturday, April 20, 9:00 a.m.

Where: First floor of the Center for Energy and Environmental Education building: 8106 Jennings Dr., Cedar Falls

  • Learn! John Foster, Director of Black Hawk County Solid Waste Commission, will share his expertise about recycling and waste management and answer YOUR questions on this topic
  • Win a Compost Bin! We will have an opportunity for you to win a Compost Bin 
  • Donuts and Coffee! Please bring your reusable coffee cup and/or reusable water bottle
  • Recycle! We will have a  Zero Waste™  Box from Terracycle on site. Bring your flexible plastic packaging and rigid plastic packaging to recycle. Please make sure it is clean of food residue. More details here  

Check out our Facebook Event Page for more info and to RSVP.Sustainability is one of the core values of the Rooted Carrot Co-op and we are excited to host this event for our community!

Earth Week – April 21–27

What a great way to celebrate Earth Day! The City of Cedar Falls is inviting organizations, businesses, and citizens to make a difference through clean-up events, plantings, and education during the entire week of April 21–27. Learn more here!