One of our board members recently moved out of the area leaving a seat on the board open. After some targeted recruiting, an interested community member volunteered to fill the seat after attending a board meeting in February. The board is very excited to report that at the March meeting, the Board voted in favor of appointing Allie Hartz to the open seat. Welcome, Allie!
Over the past month, the Board continued its exploration of potential sites for the grocery. Simultaneously, the Board is looking to create related value-added community experiences that are aligned with the ultimate goal of enhancing the health and well-being of the greater Cedar Valley. Through the work of the Membership Committee and the new Community Relations Committee, the Board has a full calendar of events and meetings that keep the co-op goal’s front and center. Supporting the work ahead of securing a site, the Grant Committee submitted a proposal to assist with marketing and public relations efforts.
Committees are always looking for help! If you want to support the co-op but do not have time to volunteer to be on the Board, helping a committee is a great idea. There are many specific tasks that require a variety of different time commitments and skills. There is something for everyone! Would you be interested? Or know someone who is interested in any of these positions? If yes, please reach out to us at
We look forward to connecting at our upcoming events! Keep an eye on our calendar here: Coming Events – Rooted Carrot Co-op
Theresa Westbrock
Secretary, Operations Committee