National Co-op Month marks our Member Share Scholarship Season

Have you been wanting to become a member-owner of the Co-op but financial constraints have kept you from purchasing a share? We have an option for you!

In honor of National Co-op Month in October, we will open up our scholarship application season. Due to the generous donations of several Co-op supporters, we will have $100 scholarships to award to several individuals. This means that you’ll only need to pay $100 toward your member-owner share. Stay tuned… we’ll have application details on our website starting in October. The application is a simple form, and the deadline is October 18. Questions? Contact

Our Popular Fall Food Fest Event is Coming Up!

Your Co-op is hosting its 6th Annual Fall Food Fest on Tuesday, September 24 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center downtown Cedar Falls!  Come join Rooty, the co-op carrot and get free food samples from fabulous area vendors while you enjoy lively tunes spun by DJ Jumpsuit! Bring your appetite because the local vendor food samples are only the beginning;  Kubo and La Calle, two delicious local food trucks will be selling full meals  just outside. There will be activities for the kids via the Hearst Center of the Arts, a photo booth, and, yes, we will have door prizes. Not a member-owner yet? You can join that night. We’ll also have Co-op t-shirts and stickers for sale. Bring your friends and family. This event is free and open to the public.

Enjoy fresh local food samples and demos featuring many fabulous local producers, vendors, and businesses. The list so far includes:



Learn what’s going on with the Co-op while enjoying good community and showing your support for our local businesses, producers, vendors and much more. We can’t wait to see you there!Continue reading

Celebrating our Co-op Booth Volunteers….

At many community events, you’ll find our telltale orange tent or at least our table staffed by friendly people often wearing Co-op t-shirts and eager to talk about this amazing community-grown business we are founding in the Cedar Valley. If you haven’t stopped to say hello, please do! We have lots of great information, free refrigerator magnets, and the last of our founding member tote bags we are giving to new member-owners who are the first 1000+ to invest in their community in this important way. Continue reading

Upcoming Events

Please Join Us…

While our board and committee members continue important behind-the-scenes work on site selection, name change, and much more, there are also upcoming public events we are planning and welcome your attendance! The following events are for the whole community, meaning that you don’t have to be a member-owner to join in on the fun. We do hope you will ask questions at these events and consider investing in your community in this important way if you haven’t yet.Continue reading

Apple Time

When we lived in California, this time of year was one of my favorite times.  The apples were ready for harvesting. Our home was Petaluma in Northern California, a region that is wine and fruit country. Napa, Sonoma, Sebastopol and Santa Rosa are towns where good food, great wine and the best apples are grown. Good food comes from fresh ingredients, great wines happen because of the climate and the wine makers, and the apples grow in in excellent ground. You can pick your own apples or stop at an apple stand and get Gravensteins, then go for a picnic in the Red Woods. Gravensteins don’t ship well, but the local folks consumed most of the crop anyway. But you can find great apples from local orchards around here too such as Blueridge Orchard, Timeless Prairie Orchard, and Apples on the Avenue.Continue reading

A Farm Fresh Experience!

Several Co-op members and friends, had the privilege of hanging out with owner Lindsay Kaiser of Kaiser Farm at her garden in Waverly last month.  Kaiser Farm is a Certified Organic grower with goals of protecting the fertile Iowa soils and providing their customers with the best produce possible. Lindsay is also a co-op member-owner and huge supporter. Having offered a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program in the past, with the addition of a second little one to the family last year, Kaiser Farm has decided to focus exclusively on the Cedar Falls Farmer’s Market this season.  Continue reading

Summer Memories (and a recipe) from Co-op Member-Owner Cynthia Foster

When I think summer, I think of food my mother made from scratch: the pies, the jellies, and the freezer full of vegetables and fruit she preserved. My favorite summer vegetable is that grand globe of red goodness called a tomato. We had tomato sandwiches, tomato and cucumber salad, sliced tomatoes and fried green tomatoes. My favorite of those of course were the fried green tomatoes. My mother was a master at making them. I imagine you might like this recipe to use some of those garden tomatoes if you are willing to pick them green.Continue reading