In support of the Northeast Iowa Food Bank, co-op member-owners and friends are invited to spend time volunteering at the Food Bank. We plan for a group volunteer event on Saturday, February 24 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. at 1605 Lafayette St., Waterloo. Please note, space is limited.
To join us, please visit the NEIFB Volunteer page at
You will need an account in order to participate.
Start by scrolling through the schedule on the page. When you reach “Feb. 24,” click the 9-11 time slot. You will be prompted to sign-in, or create an account. Follow the steps until you see the “Registration complete” page.
Registration must be completed by Feb. 17th.
If the time slot is full or this time does not work for you, PLEASE select a different time! Bring a friend!! When we cooperate, co-op members and friends can have a big impact on our community! AND we’d love to know how many people and hours are invested through the co-op. Please use the email below to let us know if you volunteer at a different time. Thanks!
If you have questions or difficulty registering, or to log your hours, please email