Capital Campaign Update: How Do Food Co-ops Come to Be?

Since around 2000, a couple hundred food co-ops have opened across the U.S. This spike in new stores is the first since the 1960s and 70s when food co-ops like New Pioneer (Iowa City), Oneota (Decorah), and Wheatsfield (Ames) also opened their doors. Today, over 1.6M people are members of food co-ops in the U.S. 

How did these co-ops come to be? The answer is simple: these grocery stores started because people joined together to make it happen. Community members worked cooperatively and invested time and resources to give birth to their own food co-op. That is what’s happening now here in the greater Cedar Valley – we are working together to make our community a better place to live.

One of the key ingredients to make this vision a reality is raising funds. Here in the Cedar Valley, we’ve got our sights set on raising $1.75M to help open the store. As a comparison, here’s what other communities have invested (or are working on) to open their own grocery stores:

  • Fredericksburg Food Co-op (VA): Raised $1.7M
  • Osh Kosh Food Co-op (WI): Raised $1.6M
  • Food Shed Co-op (IL): Raised $1.6M
  • Wild Onion Market (IL): Working towards raising $1.16M
  • Prairie Food Co-op (IL): Working towards raising $2.5M
  • Assabet Co-op Market (MA): Working towards raising $3.75M

The Rooted Carrot Co-op Market has raised $791,251 so far, and we have plans to secure the remaining amount VERY SOON. (You can learn more about the Capital Campaign here.)

Only our community can do this. We can’t rely on some national food chain to open up a store that will focus on local and healthy ingredients. Be a part of the effort that helps establish the Rooted Carrot. Here are some ways to do so:

  1. Contribute. Make your loan (members only) or donation if you haven’t yet (or increase your contribution). Please contact us for details on how you can support this effort. 
  2. Volunteer. We are recruiting a few more volunteers for various positions in the campaign (many of which don’t involve asking anyone for money!). If you’re interested in helping, please sign up to volunteer here.
  3. Tell your story. Share the reasons why you contributed with friends and neighbors and social media contacts. As an owner of this business, you can help us reach our goal!

The Rooted Carrot greatly appreciates the support of everyone so far in this campaign.. Please contact Committee Co-chair Tom Wickersham if you have any questions.

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