August Outreach Coordinator Update

The room was charged with positive energy at last month’s membership and communications joint committee meeting. We were excited to discuss the amazing membership growth we experienced in the month of June – our biggest month yet with 78 new member-owners! In July, new member-owners continued to join at a rapid pace, and I am thrilled to see the Co-op turn this important corner in its development!

News about the Co-op is spreading rapidly through word of mouth, yard signs, local news coverage, and a variety of events where the Co-op has a presence. Before June, I spent much of my time asking people if they knew about the Co-op – and almost as much time explaining what it is; Now people often approach us inquiring, “Can you tell me more about the Cedar Falls Food Co-op that I’m hearing and seeing so much about?”


This renewed energy and interest in the Co-op would not have happened if it weren’t for our volunteers who provide an amazing amount hours of support and energy to our efforts. From dressing up as Rooty the Co-op carrot to making nutritious food for an event to delivering yard signs and founding member tote bags, our volunteers make things happen. In June alone, more than 35 volunteers donated over 400 hours of their time!


I want to end with a big THANK YOU to every single one of our volunteers whether board members, committee members, booth staff, chefs, and much more. You are the reason why our Co-op is happening!

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